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TO the


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The AREA training conference is marked by a celebratory banquet, serving both as a capstone for the event and a communal space for reflection and relaxation. This banquet, carefully arranged indoors or a scenic outdoor setting, offers attendees a chance to unwind after days filled with intensive learning sessions, workshops, and networking.

The atmosphere at such a banquet is a blend of relief and achievement. As participants arrive, the room buzzes with a mix of business and networking casual, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and professions of the attendees.

AREA speakers from the conference or leaders in the field may take turns at the microphone, offering closing remarks that encapsulate the key takeaways of the conference and encourage attendees to apply what they've learned. These speeches are infused with gratitude, humor, and calls to action, aiming to inspire as the evening unfolds.

The banquet also serves as a networking goldmine, where business cards can be exchanged with promises to connect in the future. Newcomers to the industry might find mentors, while veterans may discover fresh ideas and perspectives. Such interactions often lay the groundwork for future collaborations and initiatives. Stories are shared over coffee and dessert, laughter echoes through the banquet seating.

This banquet is not just a meal but a crucial bridge between professional development and personal connection. It encapsulates the essence of the conference—growth, community, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge—and leaves participants with a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for the future challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The AREA 2024 15th Biennial Training Conference theme is "Building Relevant, Resilient Aquatic Education Programs." We wish our participants the very best path to that success.

The banquet is included in your registration. The Banquet Dinner is Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
Register your guest for the banquet at this link: Guest Banquet Registration Form You will receive a separate invoice to pay.

About AREA

We are dedicated to promoting, through sound educational practices, stewardship and responsible use of aquatic resources, fisheries and habitats to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations.

The Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) was established in response to a growing national need for a cohesive voice and a more organized approach to regional, state, and local aquatic education efforts. Incorporated in 1994, AREA launched an unprecedented national effort to join forces of all levels of experts, scientists, technicians, aquatic professionals, and organizations dedicated to aquatic conservation and fishing participation.

AREA members participate in a national effort toward angler and aquatic education, angler R3, outreach, resource conservation, research, program evaluation, and similar functions related to aquatic education and angler R3 programs. AREA members can participate in the national biennial conference and regional meetings / updates.

Become a member

By joining AREA, you have direct access to national, regional, and local levels of support and expertise. You will have opportunities to participate in conferences and seminars and enjoy daily dialogue with aquatic scientists and leaders from all walks of life.  AREA members share professional experience; and members are able to get in on the ground floor of innovations in aquatic and angler education and angler R3.

The Aquatic Resources Education Association (AREA) was established in response to a growing national need for a cohesive voice and a more fluid, organized approach to regional, state, and local aquatic concerns. Members participate in a national effort toward education, conservation, legislation, science, research, and similar functions related to aquatics and aquatic programs. Members have direct access to national, regional, and local levels of support and expertise. 

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